Anycubic Linear Plus Delta Rostock 3D Printer Overview
Unlike most of the printers we’ve covered here at 3DEngr recently, like the Ultimaker 2+ 3D Printer or the QIDI TECHNOLOGY X-one, the Anycubic Linear Plus Delta Rostok 3D Printer is not a Cartesian printer. As it’s name implies, the Anycubic Linear Plus is a Delta printer.
What is a Delta 3D Printer? In the simplest terms, a Delta printer is actually a retrofitted robot kit that uses a series of pulleys to position the printhead in 3D space. As you can see by the pictures included in this overview, Delta printers offer a unique method of printing, and beyond that, they look striking when compared to more popular Cartesian models. This specialized design also allows the 3D printer to produce taller prints than most Cartesian 3D printers.
The Anycubic Delta Rostock 3D Printer is provided as a kit, based on the Kossel style of robot design. While the price of this kit is a bit higher than other recent kits we’ve covered, it is still on the affordable end of the spectrum. This is particularly the case when compared with similar Delta designs, or printers that come pre-assembled.
As with other 3D Printer kits, it is important to know what you’re getting yourself into when you purchase. Thankfully, the Anycubic Delta Rostok Kossel kit comes with a 3 month warranty on parts, so no need to worry too much about the assembly process. Basic knowledge of working with arduinos will be helpful, but the kit does not require soldering, or any other specialized skills.
Anycubic Linear Plus Delta Rostock 3D Printer Specifications
- FDM (fused deposition modeling) print technology
- 80 mm/s max print speed
- 150 mm/s travel speed
- 380 x 380 x 680 mm printer dimension
- 230 x 270 mm print size
- glass print bed
- 0.1 – 0.4 mm layer resolution
- 0.1 mm positional accruacy
- Data supported: GCode, STL, OBJ, DAE, AMF
- 200-230°C PLA print temperature
- Inputs: SD Card, USB
- Cura software slicer
- English & Chinese language support
- AC 100-240V, 50/60Hz, 1.5A power supply, rated at 48 W
Included in the Box
- 1 Kossel 3D printer kit (Linear Guide Plus version)
- 1 heated print bed
- 1 power supply
- 1 kg PLA filament
- 1 Anycubic 1-spool filament holder
- 1 SD card
- 1 English-language manual

This Anycubic Linear Plus Delta Rostock 3d printer review relies heavily on specs and data from over 100 purchasers or reviewers on Amazon. Be sure to check the latest reviews and current Anycubic 3d printer price on Amazon for the latest information to determine if this budget 3d printer kit is the right 3d printer solution for you.
Have you used the Anycubic Linear Plus Delta Rostock 3D Printer Kossel kit? Please comment and let the community know your thoughts, rating, or review.
Hola, tengo una i la he montado pero cuando voy a pasar el firware del ordenador a la impresora con arduino me da un error, i pone error compilando para la tarjeta arduino/genuino mega or mega 2560 si me podeis ayudar estaria muy agradecido
What is the Diagonal Rod Length in Marlin for the Linear Plus?